Friday, 20 December 2013

Chartwatch 105 (December 2013)

The printed version of Chartwatch 105 has been sent to subscribers. It will be free to download on January 21st 2014.

Contents of Issue 105 of Chartwatch:

Decade 2003-2012
No.1s - Where From? - Where to?
Book Review: British Hit Singles January 1940-October 1952
Most Successful Album Acts in the UK Based on No.1s
Collectacharts Searchers - Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Number One UK Single and Album by the Same Act in the Same Week
Minihits and Microhits
Top 100 Album Tracks in the Singles Chart
High New Entries 2012
UK 3rd Quarter 2013

To subscribe to the printed version, email or visit 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Chartwatch 104 (August 2013)

The printed version of Chartwatch 104 has been sent to subscribers. It will be free to download on September 27th.

Contents of Issue 104 of Chartwatch:

Eurovision 2013
Highest-Scoring Double A-Side Singles
Most Successful Follow-Up Albums
Collectacharts (Scientist-Jay Sean)
Most Successful Albums by Singles' Score
UK 2nd Quarter 2013 

To subscribe to the printed version, email or visit 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Chartwatch 103 (April 2013)

The printed version of Chartwatch 103 has been sent to subscribers. It will be free to download on May 2nd.

Contents of Issue 103 of Chartwatch

UK 2012
Compilations 2012
Collectacharts (Peter Sartstedt - Science Dept)
Top 20 Top 20 

Chartwatch Football Ladder 1952-2012 
France Singles Chart Analysis 2012 
No.1 Singles Sales 1990-2010
Music Video 2012

To subscribe to the printed version, email or visit 

Thursday, 28 March 2013